Saturday, May 31, 2008

May 31, 2008-Preparing to leave

So I've decided the easiest way to keep track of my trip this time may be through use of a blog. We'll see how it works, as I've never blogged before, and I'm not sure what the internet service will be like while I'm there. For those of you who don't know, I"m heading to Kijabe, Kenya on June 28, 2008 to learn some surgery skills along with a local surgeon, Dr. Noveroeske, and his daughter. I'm excited for the trip, and look forward to returning to Kenya. I'm hoping to see several friends I met while I was there last, and do some traveling as well.
The "to do" list prior to leaving begins-holding mail, paying bills, arranging for lawn care, watering plants, etc...I just hope my recurring nightmare of leaving my passport behind does not come to fruition!!!

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