Sunday, July 11, 2010

Goodbyes (belated posting)

June has been a month full of good-byes, and July and August will have more.  I said good bye to my furniture and many other belongings on June 2, when the movers came and took it all to the storage unit. I said good bye to my house  and neighbors on June 16th, when I closed on my house. I said another set of goodbyes this last friday at work, then more at graduation. Due to this an some other things going on, June has been an exhausting month. This summer there are so many more things to do, friends and family to visit, and good byes to be said. I have a list of projects to get done this summer...if I get even half of them done, I'll be glad.

There are also some hello's-greeting the new owners of my house, meeting a man in my neighborhood who works as a peacemaker and has been to Congo before. Hello to vacation and no pager, no inbox to check, no notes to write. Hello to summer, to my parents pool, and to spending time with my family.

So HELLO summer!

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